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note♩: cats  composed_by: morpheus              
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Lost Cat Behavior - Missing Animal Response Network
Missing Animal Response Network Lost Pet Recovery Training By Kat Albrecht Back in 1997, MAR Network Director Kat Albrecht began to study the behavioral patterns of lost cats and dogs. Due to a background in search-and-rescue (searching for lost people), Kat understood the critical connection between behavior and the distances that people travel when lost. It made sense to Kat that the behavior of cats (and dogs) would also influence the distances that they travel. Here’s a small sample of what Kat h... {open}
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Is My Cat An Indoor Or Outdoor Cat? Here’s How To Tell
If you've had cats all of your life then you know that some feline friends are perfectly happy to live a life of indoor-domestic bliss while others will tear out a screen to get outside. If you're not sure how to tell if your house cat is actually an outside cat, and you're a new pet parent, there are some telltale ways that your cat will let you know. While adult cats adopted from shelters are more likely to have spent part of their lives outdoors, even felines raised inside since they were kittens ... {open}
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