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Is My Cat An Indoor Or Outdoor Cat? Here’s How To Tell

If you've had cats all of your life then you know that some feline friends are perfectly happy to live a life of indoor-domestic bliss while others will tear out a screen to get outside. If you're not sure how to tell if your house cat is actually an outside cat, and you're a new pet parent, there are some telltale ways that your cat will let you know. While adult cats adopted from shelters are more likely to have spent part of their lives outdoors, even felines raised inside since they were kittens can get the urge to go outside. "Once Valerie LaRussell and her husband, Greg, let their cat Odie outside for a 'playdate' with a neighbor’s cat, there was no going back. The 2-year-old grey tabby would 'meow his head off' and tear up the furniture whenever he was kept indoors," WebMD reported. "They tried taking him outside with a harness, but he slipped right out of it. 'We just became resigned to the fact that he’s going to be an indoor-outdoor cat," LaRussell told WedMD. If you have a cat like this, and you don't live in a densely populated urban area, you might consider this option for the happiness of both you and your kitty. However, letting you cat outside is not without risks. If your feline fur baby insists on going outside, you'll want to do everything you can to ensure your cat's safety. "Whenever possible, try to get them in at night. Most problems, such as getting hit by a car or having a wild animal like a coyote after them — it seems most of the problems occur at night," Bernadine Cruz, DVM, associate veterinarian at the Laguna Hills Animal Hospital in Laguna Hills, Calif., told WebMD. You'll also want to make sure you cat has a breakaway collar, which ensures your cat can get the collar off it becomes caught on anything. The collar should contains a tag with your phone number and address. It's also a good idea to get your cat microchipped and registered, because if your cat does end up at a shelter, they will scan to see your cat is chipped and call you right away. "Pets get lost all the time — they run off, slip out of collars and slide through gates," Aimee Gilbreath, executive director of Michelson Found Animals and creator of the first national microchip registry, tells Bustle. "No one likes to think about losing a pet — but being prepared just in case will increase the likelihood that they’ll get back to you and give you peace of mind."
