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异形 (豆瓣)
豆瓣 扫码直接下载 成功的将科幻与恐怖结合在一起,并赋予了女权内涵。“异形就像一个阳具,柔弱的地球人类是被强奸的女性,飞船上的男性都被强奸致死。唯一存活的女性雷普利采取防御姿态,胜过了超级男性攻击性很强的力量。她是不想生育的女性,抗拒了生殖欲望。” 影片把生命绝迹的外太空那种阴冷恐怖描绘到了极致,看的中途吓得停下来好几次喘气。。。异形的镜头不多不过全都够恶心的,70年代末就能拍出来这样的片子真是除了赞也没什么好说了啊!屌面人!!= = 时隔将近20年重看儿时的梦魇,仍被吓得魂飞魄散。除了特效、剧本堪称完美以外,影片还包含了宗教(电脑老妈是公司和教廷,Ash是牧师)和佛洛依德学说的性暗示(异形的造型,Ash企图杀死主角的杂志和异形捕杀女船员时极其隐晦的镜头)以及女权主义的探讨,而女权主义一直是雷德利导演所钟爱的母题。  {open}
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Well, It's Official: Disney Now Owns the 'Alien' and 'Predator' Franchises - Bloody Disgusting
[Review] ‘The Cannibal Club’ Serves Up a Generous Helping of Sex and Blood with a Splash of Dark Humor [Remake Fever] ‘My Bloody Valentine 3D’ is a Pick-Axe Above the Rest! Search Has Begun for Lost, Never Before Seen Footage from ‘Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers’ Satanic Upbringing Raises Hell and Plagues ‘Cristina’ ‘Child’s Play’ Director Lars Klevberg Shares Storyboards and Insights for a Couple Teaser Trailer Moments {open}
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Alien (franchise) - Wikipedia
Crossover series Prequel series Alien is a science-fiction horror action media franchise centered on the film series depicting Warrant officer Ellen Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver) and her battles with an extraterrestrial lifeform, commonly referred to as "the Alien". Produced and distributed by 20th Century Fox, the series began with Alien (1979), directed by Ridley Scott, and was followed by three sequels, Aliens (1986), Alien³ (1992), and Alien Resurrection (1997), directed by James ... {open}
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Predator Spaceships | AvP Central
Here is a Predator spaceship overview from the Predator movies, games and comics. The Predators are known to use various types of ships with different design and capabilities. The Rage War trilogy even established that they cannibalize technology from other species and that there are no Predator spaceships that are alike. Most of these ships don't see much action and some tend to crash land. The Expanded Universe and... {open}
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Complete Creatures Guide For The Alien Movies | ScreenRant
The Alien franchise has spanned nearly four decades and released seven films to date, with their eighth film, Alien: Covenant, set to hit theaters in less than a week. Early reviews have already called the film a worthy addition to the series that brings the story back to its 1979 horror roots. Few franchises have brought so many distinctive directors into their fold and attracted some of the most accomplished actors of their time. But the glue that keeps the Alien films together is undoubtably its c... {open}
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predator ships  by: morpheus

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Enforcer Ship The enforcer ship was basically a police craft on the Predators piloted by enforcer Predators. This ship was sent after any criminal Predators who had broken the Predator law. These criminals were called the bad blood Predators. The enforcer ship was heavily armed and blue in color (actually similar to the police force of Earth). The Bad Blood Predator Spaceship and Enforcer S... [enter]
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Bad Blood Ship This crab-like spacecraft was used by the bad blood Predator to escape the enforcer Predators. The Predator actually killed all other members of the crew and hijacked the ship. The enforcer ship fired upon the bad blood craft and it crashed on Earth, specifically in the Pine Barrens area near New York. The ship was totally wrecked and caused a big crater, but the bad blood Pr... [enter]
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Cold War Ship The Predator hunting party from the Predator: Cold War comic book arrived on this ship in Soviet Siberia. Although Predators prefer to hunt in the warm climate, they can also do so in Arctic conditions as their ships keep them warm. The interior of the ship looks very similar to the Lost Tribe Spaceship, with orange walls and a misty floor. The ship has a sleek design that sli... [enter]
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Saucer The Saucer is another unique type of Predator Spaceship that doesn't show up much in Predator media. The main Predator in Predator: The Big Game crash-landed in the Nevada desert on the saucer ship. The ship was captured by US military who started to do research on it. Unfortunately for them, the saucer self-destructed, taking the whole US army base with it. The Predator himself surv... [enter]
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Royal Predator Ship Prince, one of the main characters in Aliens vs. Predator 2 PC game, arrived on the Royal Predator Spaceship to LV-1201. The ship landed on a remote area of the planet to allow Prince to commence his hunt. The ship looked quite different from other Predator ships, having a long and metallic design (kind of like a spear), without and smooth edges. Although it had a cloakin... [enter]
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Chicken Ship While many Predator ships look like fish, this one looks like a chicken. This individual ship was captured along with its only Predator passenger in Area 52 in the Aliens vs. Predator 1999 PC game. The Predator was experimented on and birthed a predalien. Another Predator reached the ship, retried the disc and pistol from it, and killed the predalien. Area 52 self-destructed an... [enter]
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Fugitive Predators Spaceship The Fugitive Predator crash landed with this spaceship in North America. It is not directly known what caused the ship to crash, but the Fugitive Predator was pursued by the Hybrid Predator. Parts of the ship survived the crash and some Predator tech was recovered by humans and delivered to the Other World Lifeforms Taskforce (OWLT). The full details of the ship ... [enter]
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Game Preserve Ship The game preserve ship was a Predator spaceship belonging to the crucified classic Predator in the movie Predators. He had a personal link to the ship through his wrist gauntlet. The ship had vertical thrusters and is one of the few Predator ships that is known to actually land on a planet instead of dropping drop pods or crashing. The ship was blown up by a super Predator... [enter]
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Wolfs Ship Wolfs Ship is a really fast ship originating from Yautja Prime in the movie Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. The ship uses a more militaristic design and is not as sleek as the other ships. When Wolf received a distress call from the crashed scout ship, he set his course to Earth and arrived in a matter of hours. It was able to use a drop pod to send Wolf to Earth and probably staye... [enter]
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Scout Ship The scout ship is a similar ship to the Classic Predator Ship. It usually only contains a few Predators and is often docked to the Mothership. Scouts ships can also contain Xenomorph facehuggers for "seeding" other planets or for experimentation. When in trouble, the scout ship can send a distress signal far into space, reaching the Yautja Prime. A scout ship crashes on Earth in ... [enter]
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Mothership The Mothership is the biggest known Predator ship. The Predators have used them for over several millennia. Smaller Predator ships like the classic ship or scout ship can dock with the mothership. The mothership can also release drop pods directly containing one Predator each. It has advanced cloaking capabilities and packs a lot of firepower. You see it destroying a Colonial Mari... [enter]
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Lost Tribe Predator Spaceship The Lost Tribe Ship was a ship hidden in the sewers of Los Angeles in the year 1997. It contained the Lost Tribe Predators and the trophy room with the famous Xenomorph skull. It was probably bigger than the Classic Predator Spaceship and longer in shape. The ship escaped from Earth after the events of Predator 2.  [enter]
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Classic Predator Spaceship The Classic Predator Ship is probably the most well known Predator Spaceship. It has a fish-like appearance in order to help with the cloaking capabilities. It can drop Predators in pods from orbit so they can go on their hunting trips. It shows up in a lot of Predator media and varies slightly in color. In the movie it is grey, but it has also known to be brown a... [enter]
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alien trailers  by: morpheus

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