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Complete Creatures Guide For The Alien Movies | ScreenRant

The Alien franchise has spanned nearly four decades and released seven films to date, with their eighth film, Alien: Covenant, set to hit theaters in less than a week. Early reviews have already called the film a worthy addition to the series that brings the story back to its 1979 horror roots. Few franchises have brought so many distinctive directors into their fold and attracted some of the most accomplished actors of their time. But the glue that keeps the Alien films together is undoubtably its creatures. If the Alien movies succeed in any way, it’s by bringing the audience's darkest fears of what what could actually be waiting for us in outer space to life. The sight of a xenomorph uncoiling from the darkness is sure to send a chill down anyone's spine, and since the filmmakers relied heavily on practical effects, the first few films in the series remain as scary now as they were at the time of their release. There’s a long list of equally terrifying creatures that have been featured in the films aside beyond just the xenomorphs. And since the alien morphology is rather complex, and the origins of these monstrosities rather mysterious, we thought we’d take a closer look at all the creatures from the Alien films before the latest installment hits theaters. Here is our Complete Guide To The Creatures From The Alien Films.
