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note♩: steal away to jesus  composed_by: morpheus              
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steal away to jesus
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Escaped Slaves Followed the North Star to Freedom
Print Recreating the escape route to northern states and Canada for fleeing slaves "History by immersion," is how the Conner Prairie interactive history park outside Indianapolis, Indiana, describes a program about a perilous journey to freedom endured by escaped southern slaves during the 19th-century. It is an unforgettable walk in the woods that has special meaning during February, which is Black History Month in the United States.The program is called Follow the North Star. The name is ... {open}
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Steal Away - Wikipedia
"Steal Away" ("Steal Away to Jesus") is an American Negro spiritual. The song is well known by variations of the chorus: Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus! Steal away, steal away home, I hain't got long to stay here[1] Songs such as "Steal Away to Jesus", "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot", "Wade in the Water" and the "Gospel Train" are songs with hidden codes, not only about having faith in God, but containing hidden messages for slaves to run away on their own, or with the Underground Railroad.... {open}
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chorus  by: morpheus

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