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    *NOTEWIKI NAME: a mandalorian story part i
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         | chapter a: of sleep and dream
         | chapter b: they came again
         | chapter c: of beskar steel
         | chapter d: tartan ulrich
         | chapter e: the bounty hunters
         | chapter g: gone with the wind
         | musical thought
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note♩: a mandalorian story ...  composed_by: skywalker_sean              
-this is a public scroll: anyone can see this scroll-    
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi
"where to great mandalorian for your honor and your steel but to tread a steed of a thousand moons - and none of them can shine brilliant like concordia for it was not made by beskar swoon, and what great injury you can do to a mandalorian then to beat him to the dirt and spare him - to not kill a defeated mandalore is to kill him with the fiercest might ."
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it has often been asked if a mandalorian dreams - because it has been often wondered if a mandalorian even sleeps . day and night he is buried under that helmet . for all the foundlings raised after the greater purge of the empire - to reveal one's face is a crime of expulsion - via your features the empire might be able to extrapolate and know your history, your relations, and via such methods ultimately discover the identities of the other mandalorians. thus a mandalorian is never seen without their helmet on- a mandalorian is never seen without their blaster- a mandalorian is never seen without a ready two pieces of beskar at any moment to replace any broken parts of their armor . a mandalorian is always ready at any moment to defend and destroy at will . the mandalorian has no friends besides the mandalorians - as much as the imperial sith has ravaged and destroyed what was left of mandalore - killed expunged or enslaved most of its population, it was the jedi that made mandalore what it was today, a few remaining bubbles of existence within a sweeping dotted wasteland . din djarin has never visited mandalore, to do so would mean death - the empire or what remains of it still controls the posts in mandalore and there are seldom mandalorians left . a mandalorian is so familiar with death and destruction that it has become a way, the way of life . one word defines the mandalorian - guard . always always on guard . the jedi and the sith at any moment might resurge from their current dispositions and with each of their occultic religions once again engage the mandalore with all of their ferocity.

despite it all - on such a day - the mandalorian finds himself asleep - perhaps it was the child's doing - because the child never sleeps - it is a question of who is guarding who. and strange dreams that he had that day as he is laying in the sands of tattoine - there is no one here for miles - he watched the twin suns set themselves upon the plain, and the glow of the rising moons ghomrassen, guermessa, and chenini, and in this calming stoic night - he is drifting deep, falling amidst the collapsing pieces of sand, as the sweeping clouds of a storm gathered in the far reaching distance, first he heard the whispers, an ashen fire kicked up a memory of a long far reaching hand, reaching to djarin as he watched the storeroom door slam then shut - shots echoed - that same scenary he has visited in his mind a million times - he did not think that if he was not in the storehouse he would be killed - he thought perhaps if he was outside of it he would had miraculously saved them just like the mandalorians saved him. even in his dreams djarin is haunted by the resentment of this thought - no djarin was not there for her neither was he there for him, he was not anywhere for them - at first glimpse they thought the mandalorian was a fighter - djarin is no fighter - he is a survivor - at the first sign of trouble, he is the first to flee - it was by practicality that he adopted this profession because he was professionally trained, the mandalorians survived by bounty, flayed and shot, whipped and burned, or frozen in a fleece of carbon - it was purely business not an ideal - there is nothing left of mandalore - the mandalorian did not exist for a republic , neither did they exist for an empire, the foundling was taught with his skills - he will survive . and so he degenerated into dream - that dark vanishing whisper of that last trace of humanity before the acceptance into the mandalore - a sweeping mist , rain, then a dark striking thunder, this was not tattooine - he didn't know where he was, soft was his steps - and he had no armor - he was fully revealed, and his palms and hands were open as if he was going to meet some god - a divinity, a shining glowing troubling beacon to guide him in a directionless rudder - and there it was in his trembling silent footsteps , appearing before him, that stopped him on his tracks, a figure amassed in the most blazing rage of metal, beskar befitted upon every part of his body, his steps too heavy and slight, and with him carried the dark saber . he marched towards the mandalorian, his hand upon the sword, he headed towards djarin.

chapter b: they came again  by: skywalker_sean
djarin awoke. a silent breeze of wind lifts the sand to his helmet, so much of it gathered piled upon his body, covering most of his armor in its sweep, there he was within interment, and yet he was so dead asleep he did not notice that during the night the wind had swept up the sand and half buried him. the mandalorian hasn't slept for days. the child lets out a yelp - it extends its three fingered hand and pointed towards east - out in the glowing desert hue - was a mirage of shadows blended with their speeders heading their way- behind the mandalorian was his ship . two riders blasted their engines and rose at mighty speeds- these territories have been ravaged back and forth by republic and imperial forces - sometimes the territory went into the control of the republic - sometimes it went back into the hands of the empire - from this distance it was unclear whom these people were - or maybe they're the remnants of the guild not busy fighting for or against the empire - and here for the child and the mandalorian - he knows there are greater things for them to concern themselves with these days rather than the mandalorian and his strange companion - and he had flown back to tattoine many a days and flown away when the time was ripe and like this he had played chicken with the imperial forces that has hunted the child. he estimates in time - given that the empire is no more - his troubles will dwindle and he will place his companion in safe hands then continue with his fleeting existence .

no such luck this time - without any indication - the two party parade started firing upon him. many points of a blaster, shot at him at full ferocity, the mandalorian grabbed the child from his floating carriage , and pushed him into the sand. he returned fire, and managed to gun one down at range, the creature's speeder crashed, expunging its rider right into the ground, another flew right by him, because it was going at too quick of a speed. it tries to maneuver its way back- at roaring speeds - mandalorian stood still, he was unphased at the shots fired at him, the blaster the man had was too weak for the mandalorian's beskar armor, standing firm, he steadied himself and took aim, unphased and unmoved. he counted his time, the speeder was going to collide right into his body within a matter of seconds, right when it was about to collide at him, he fires one given shot and hits the man's fuel tank, the speeder explodes.

its rider was ejected into the sand, tumbling like a piece of exploded rock. the mandalorian walks up to him, he places the blaster on his head, the persona is wearing a mask, he takes the mask off - it was a kid, no more than ten years of age , his breathing heightened, his foundling past returned like a harrowing scream, he pointed the blaster at him- he can hear his roasted beating heart, the blast has shattered every part of this child's body, and he doesn't have much time.


"my mum's sick - " said the child breathing hard -" they said you were an open target - that you no longer fight back - "

"who said "

"the people in town - that if i kill you i will make great bounty - and with the imperial credits be able to feed my sister and brother - "

"who was the one you were with - "

"he was a bounty hunter like me- "

"you guys shoot terribly -"

"I killed a man before - it worked - i was able to suffice for last month's rations -" he was trying to catch his breath, but the mandalorian can see the light dissipating from his eyes - and before long the kid stopped breathing - he was gone - .

the child watched from the distance - what concordia - the mandalorian thought- his dream of his foundling days and to watch another child die. he placed a sheet over him , and started digging into the dirt , after piling feet after feet of sand, he dumps the kid and his companions' bodies into it . he closed the dirt and sand, and took their weapons, stripped what was left of their speeders for parts - maybe he will sell it to a jawa, and in the fallen kid's coat was once piece of food ration - he gave it to the child, the yoda looking creature smelled it then placed it into his mouth hungrily .

"i gave him dignity -" he responded . he can hear the child's voice in his mind - it was not any kind of language - but yet he understood it . he pointed towards the rotting piles of skeletal bodies sitting at the far corner. 'look at them - we took them out too several days ago - but they weren't so lucky'

and it's been like this for a month - he had sat here - as creatures big and small came out here to grave - to be buried and gunned by his arsenal.

"we will meet something that can actually do damage soon alright - but hopefully we will be out of tattooine by then - "

chapter c: of beskar steel  by: skywalker_sean
"a mandalorian is really a tale of beskar steel - the finest of metals and could be distilled and mixed with other alloys, winded down and broken into shields and armory, swords and finery, and can even dine fine chalices such as these as we intermix the finest of drinks of tattooine - you see it is not that beskar serves the mandalorian - the mandalorian serves beskar - what of the mandalorian without his steel - you will be nothing but a lump of walking meat - no force powers, no claws, no fangs, no teeth, and for every poor shot there was the steel to compensate by tenfold - "

"beskar has been more of a curse than a blessing " the mandalorian replied .

"no no you don't understand - you're a walking sheet of beskar - there is no curse and no blessing - a spice runner can choose another profession and ditch his spice - but for the mandalorian his existence is death and beskar ."

"now you have gotten me to sit down at a fairly obvious corner - in a bar visited upon by all sorts of ferocious personas -"

"you know if i tip the empire and sell you - i will be fairly wealthy by now - "

"why don't you?"

"well because i know that if you did the job for me - i will mean so much more -"

"when did such idealism visit your mind - "

"when the tenth person i sent to kill you did not come back - then i realize we're here to make a deal . did you know that every person in this room right now - has a shot on you - and that the only reason why you mando hasn't been vaporized by any of them is because i am willing to strike a glory - "

"whats your point -"

"as you know these are republic controlled territories now - and i had been routing out all things empire and making sure they do not return - "

"it has been working badly -"

"now the guild has made a few attempts at you - since our imperial deal went wrong - pointing towards the child - but as the empire is no more - it no longer makes sense to honor their proposal - i can keep hurtling meat at you for target practice - and it does make my days slightly more interesting as we watch this historical transfer of power - but if you do die - there's good chances i will not make a single credit for that honor ."

"so your point being -"

"your hide out days are over temporarily for the time being - until the empire renews its proposal . unless its a personal grievance - you're worthless ."

"so why do you invite me out here ."

"you still have the most valuable shot . "

chapter d: tartan ulrich  by: skywalker_sean

interior - razor crest weapons booth

"so there is a 'race unknown' by the name of tartan ulric, he is one of the last remaining empire remnants at far reaches of town in tuskan territory - the republic supplies have arrived by shipment last week - and we will have rations for the next six great months - now i want you to gut him then deliver the remains to endor -"

we see the mandalorian in his ship packing rounds into his weaponry and readying his whistling bird as this is being narrated .

interior - the tattooine bar

"why endor?"

"the republic has a large outpost out in endor - and they want to deliver a message clear - that tattoine once and final is no longer under the control of the empire - now remember he does have a ready steed of fifty men still under his control - we will take care of most of it for you, weak dispirited and cornered, there is not much left of tartan's troops except for his outposts out amongst the tuskan raiders . we only want tartan - if you can avoid all of the other hassle .""now remember - in endor , our republic contacts can get you in touch with those who might take an interest in the child ."

"how will my services be compensated ."

"i am placing a plate of beskar right before you right now - republic forces in endor will foot the rest of the bill ."

"where to great mandalorian for your honor and your steel but to tread a steed of a thousand moons - and none of them can shine brilliant like concordia for it was not made by beskar swoon, and what great injury you can do to a mandalorian then to beat him to the dirt and spare him - to not kill a defeated mandalore is to kill him with the fiercest might ." staring right into the mandalorian.

"i am all ears -"

"part of me tells me that you do not like this plan- that you do not wish to give him up to the jedi - are you going to find him a sith instead and bring him there - "

"i will take your plate of beskar - accept the peace proposal from the guild - then see what i can do with tartan - but to get in between a shooting war with the republic and the empire is the least of my wants - the child has nothing to do with any of this - i will return him to his home planet if i know the information -"

"what makes you think he belongs there ?"

"what makes you think he doesn't belong ?"

"do you foundling belong in mandalore?"

the mandalorian goes silent .

"do this deed for us mandalore and the guild will no longer be one of your troubles -"

"but i will be giving the empire a new reason to hunt me besides the child -"

"the logic completes it self ." looking at the both of them.

it is night and the mandalorian has parked his ship far from the tatooine town where tartan and his imperial remnants have resided . from his visor in the distance he can see that the stormtroopers have surrounded the vicinity of the town - from the looks of it , it seems they're waiting for an imperial drop ship to recover these last remainders before republic forces finally arrive for a cleanse . why the guild doesn't just wait for the republic is a mystery - it seems highly unlikely that with a tiny force like this they will make an attack on this separate part of tattoine- but when there are credits and coinage involved his guess is that there's business here from a previous lingering deal.

"you're going to get to him before the republican troops does -" he can remember his voice loud clear.

the troopers are too busy protecting and defending tartan then to pay attention to these regions. what he worries are tuskans and jawas . the child should be fine if he returns before dawn.

he doesnt' even have to bring tartan back alive .

he steadies his gun - he is merely following the trace on the puck. he finds six stormtroopers have surrounded the compound. the mandalorian hides in the shadows, at the first indication of the storm trooper walking away, he starts his jet pack and lands upon the roof. on the roof, a storm trooper turns his head and see's the mandalore, the mandalorian quickly takes his shot. the stormtrooper is fried . he drags the trooper to the edge of the roof. from here, he pad pad lands the remaining guards by snipe. one by one they fell in the distant night - it will not be long before tartan's patrols spots the fallen. he places an explosive charge on the door. it explodes, he descends down the staircase , a unknown race guard screams. he shoots him. and he enters tartan's living room - but just before he was about to land shot- he dead freezes - standing before him, is another fully dressed mandalore - this other mandalorian did not draw his weapon, he's merely frozen in place .

"i am looking for tartan ulric "

"i am tartan ulric ."

"you're a mandalorian ."

"i am a mandalorian ."

the mandalorian lowers his weapon . uncertain what to do at this point -

"why are you working for the empire ?"

"they have my child hostage now leave here - before the stormtroopers come and i will let you go ."

"what is the eighth line of the supercommando codex ."

"it is not the way to kill another mandalorian ."

a stormtrooper has located the fallen stormtroopers and he calls back up, now the entire legion has all gathered around the building and they have it surrounded.

the stormtroopers explodes the door and enters, they gather around tartan - as he tells them to hold -

"what's your orders sir?"

"we're going to let him leave -"

"we can't do that sir - he's going to report our position - and we will be toast - republic troops - will know we are here - they will surely try a second time ."

"what should i call you mandalorian ?"

"you can just call me mando - so i assume you're part of the deathwatch"

"i am one of the few remaining members of deathwatch. now i can not just let you leave mando as you have heard from my men - come and join us - we will pay you handsomely - "

the mandalorian starts up the whistling bird -

"i can not do that - "

right when he says that - the whistling bird activates and shoots out at all of the corners - it hits several of the stormtroopers, the remaining ones start firing . he runs up to tartan and turns on his jack pack and smashes him right through the wall. they bursted out into the street.

tartan, lifts up his right arm, and shoots out a fiery flame, lighting mando's suit on fire, then he starts blasting at his armor, but the beskar mando is wearing is too strong. then tartan takes out a sword, and stabs right into mando - it punctures straight through his armor. he lets out a scream. tartan kicks away his blaster. he shoots out a net and nets him.

tartan grabs him by the neck, and drags him to his basement, he starts up the carbonite . " no no" mando screamed .

he throws the mandalorian right into the carbonite freezing him into a solid plate of stone .

the mandalorian in frozen carbonite dreams again -

he is laying on the grassy field - he gets up, and stares into the distance - from there he can see the wreck of the towering death star flung to every corner of the place .

"the empire is no more -"

he heard a voice speak out to him.

"and so is the empire before it "

he tries to catch where the voice is coming from, but there was no indication .

"as all things come and all things go such is the way of the whills -"

"who are you?"

"a great soul - an ancestor - and like all things that has passed - they dwell and exist alone in the force - waiting for the day where they will be reawakened to the physical realm. I am tarr visla the great visla of the house of visla . there was none like me and it was i who brought greatness to mandalore ."

at this the ghastly towering figure pointed towards the planet in the distance - "there it was mandalore - before the great purge destroyed by the jedi then the sith , what tragedy.

"the jedi do not know what the force is . they have a set of abilities and they each learned to utilize it, but neither of them truly understand what it is . They are merely putting a set of descriptions on things they do not themselves understand ."

at this he walks through the wreckage of the death star, as djarin follows in his footsteps .

"if you ask me what the force is - I will tell you what the force is ."

"what is the force?"

"the force is evolution . its beings bodies becoming more intuned to the universal energy of this world - it is neither good nor evil, neither material nor mental, it is the fabric that holds all things together , good things bad things evil things - every kind of thing so judged and despised by jedi or sith has the force within it .

"even this place " he sets his foot on the broken shattered pieces of a tie fighter .

"you're either born with force abilties or not - to structure it - to call it light or dark is merely religious zealotry , and for religious reasons you see all this carnage around you - for religious reasons both the jedi and sith have killed . if you ask me what is sith , I tell you the sith are jedi extremists .

"where as the jedi stresses control and withdrawal, the sith merely tries to do everything the jedi doesn't but neither of them can provide a sufficiant explanation for what the force is . both of them are zeolously obsessed with one thing - control .

"the jedi and the sith derive power from the extremes of the same elemental energy .

"it was rumor that when they cut darth vader down - he repented and came to the light . so when they cut darth vader down was he a jedi or a sith?

"now to the mandalorians they neither see me as a jedi or a sith - but a force strong being - one whom has harnessed something - that they could not . but if i combine what i know of the force, with the technology of the mandalorians, and the code at which they're sworn to live which exist souly to protect the culture of the mandalore - does that make me in any way a jedi?

"the mandalorians are structured around our nation - not a religious extremity - so the sith says one must thrive on anger hate and passion - and use it as weapons of dominance - and they go to great lengths to cultivate their passions - to the point where they murder everything they love to develop discompassion - and in their brutality they harness the raw elemental energy of the force - but yet the sith perserves order like no other -

"the sith society has more discipline than any jedi republic . and the jedi who so try to suppress ever facet of life upon themselves cuts down more than what sith can ever tolerate - the so call naturalistic inclinations of man even the desire of reproduction creation co-creation has been denied to the jedi -

"it was the jedi that destroyed mandalore - it was a jedi who became a sith - and i tell you force ghosts are neither jedi or sith - they are both ends of the same essence - and as quickly as one can harness from the dark side one can harness from the light -

"so what is a jedi ? a jedi is a mutation, a mutant who have been enslaved by their own archane code - that prevents them from being able to access the full spectrum of their power - to fully realize every aspect of the force . the sith is the extreme aftermath of the self mutilation brought upon by the jedi .

"the jedi are not masters of technology - all of their efforts go into preserving their traditions - and they had made long periods of their history into inquisition and hunt for any one who had deviated from their idealogy - they have burned at the stake anyone who even dared to explore the potentials of the archane science and technology of both sith and other schools of thought .

"the jedi are unforgiving , relentless, and is so naive in their understandings of the force that the only thing keeping them from the dark side is their fear of it . - but can any one tell me what is the difference when the jedi kills and the sith kills? isn't the act of killing one and the same thing?

"how is murder from a jedi light purely by his identity alone and murder of a sith justified entirely on his identity alone -

"or is the jedi and the sith merely a name , a wear, a wardrobe, a form of fashion , where one wears white and the other wears black ?

"whereas one is a cold calculating killer- the other a passionate one -

"but to the rest of the galaxy both are killers - destructive one and the same - each with their own ideas of order - and its forceful imposition .

"the child you possess - he is force strong - but does he call himself a jedi or a sith? does he even understand what those things are?"

"no . he doesn't know what he is ." - replies the djarin .

"I see an apex creature - an evolutionary bystep - one more intuned to the elemental fabric of the universe - a foundling who can survive and help others survive .

"whereas he possesses midichlorians - the others do not - and this allows him to wield the entire universe as if it is his own very symphony -

"and if i fit him with beskar, he becomes the strongest of them all, neither a jedi or a sith - merely blanket religious terms for behaviors of mutilation -

"here is a true child of the force and a potential savior to his nation from both the religious extremes of the jedi and the ideological extremes of the sith .

"a true son of the force can be a gift to its nation - a gift to protect the nation-

"as they said - there are only two things that binds this universe together with all of its differences from the jawa to the tusken .

"the beskar of the mandalore and the force .

"look at this wreckage - all that is left - to me this is humanity's doing - they divided themselves by faith and divided themselves by color - then they set their own house on fire - each to his own even though they were the same species - and we are different species but a united creed - and we would had never allowed such traversity .

"wake mandalorian wake - wake to the unfulfilled promises of mandalore - one day our ideals will be great again as great as the steel we had provided - take the strongest and dress them in beskar, teach them the valor of our creed, do not bend to neither sith or jedi - a separate equally powerful group - fulfill the promise of your ancestral creed - take the foundling and make him a mandalore ."

the mandalorian has no idea how long it has been - but when he was finally unfrozen - it occured to him that several weeks must have past by .

"who are you ?"

"we're republic guards - and you are a mandalorian - "

"what happened ?"

"someone left you frozen here - you have a fairly deep stab wound - but not deep enough to kill you if we fix you up - strange that they carbonited you and just left you here -"

"it was another mandalorian - one whom worked for the remnant of the empire "

"tartan ulrich ."

"wait ... my ship ... the child ..."

the mandalorian took a speeder with a republican guard out into the area where he parked his ship -

he got to the razor crest - he ran towards the opening - he enters it - upon entry - everything else was still there - except the child.

the child was gone .

a portrait of tartan ulrich

in the desert drift of smoke and rain piles of rubble beneath the paint hammered away by the distant ruse of the man of the ancient days

he said don't you know the song don't you know my ways count the pillars standing they weren't built in a pace

but hammer to the anvil and the sword to the arm don't you know the fire is where i am from

let not a soul breath easy in this hasty place all the magick's gone to war and its ways

and a hundred million starving away in pain but they are kept far and many so i don't have to run away

that's the thought that lingers in the man of the ancient days every one's an enemy and his thoughts kept him at bay

and he forges his fire and he forges his might beware the man of ancient days beware the man and his ancient ways

- a mandalorian poem based on accounts from naboo

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