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note♩: ruby v python  composed_by: morpheus              
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Ruby vs. Python: What's the Difference? - One Month
Shares Reply March 24, 2019 3 min read I’ve used both Ruby and Python in my work — and while they’re similar, they’re also different in some critical ways. It’s a popular question, but an important one, so let me example the difference between Ruby and Python.  To set the stage, I first learned web development through Python (and the Python framework called Django). After spending four years building Django apps, I got a job doing Ruby on Rails and expected the transition to be straightforwa... {open}
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Python vs Ruby - 6 Important Differences You Should Know
EDUCBA Get Certified with our Online Courses in Programming Languages, Software Testing, Web Development, Internet of Things (IoT), Operating System, Server, Virtualization, Penetration Testing, Cyber Security, JavaScript, Cloud Computing, Mobile App Development. READ MORE Python and Ruby are a new generation, high-level, server-side scripting languages focusing on simpler, crispier and high-performance codes. These scripts avoid verbose code, strict hierarchy, and syntax correctness for object-ori... {open}
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