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While this controversial claim is quickly spreading over the Internet to the delight of Dan Brown's fans, it has not gained much support among Leonardo scholars.

Hidden behind the Mona Lisa's eyes is a mysterious code made of letters and numbers, according to a controversial claim by members of Italy's national committee for cultural heritage.

Magnifying high-resolution images of the world's most famous painting would reveal hidden letters and numbers added by Leonardo Da Vinci, said Silvano Vinceti, president of the Committee.

"To the naked eye, the symbols are hard to distinguish, but with a magnifying glass you can see the letters LV behind the right pupil (the left when watching the painting). They could stand for his name Leonardo Da Vinci," Vinceti told the Italian news agency ANSA.

Even harder to decode would be the symbols in the left pupil (the right when watching the painting).

Do Mona Lisa's Eyes Hide a Secret Code? - Seeker CCO_Seeker_Wordmark_White_V1.0