Tarre Vizsla | Wookieepedia | Fandom

Tarre Vizsla, a Force-sensitive human male, was the first Mandalorian to be inducted into the Jedi Order as a child. According to legend, he created the Darksaber, a unique black-bladed lightsaber which would become the symbol of leadership within House Vizsla, and became the ruler of Mandalore.

Tarre Vizsla was a Force-sensitive human male who, as a child, was eventually inducted into the Jedi Order, becoming the first Mandalorian to do so.[3] According to legend, Vizsla created the Darksaber, a unique black-colored lightsaber, during his time as a Jedi. The Darksaber became the symbol of leadership for House Vizsla,[1] and eventually, Tarre Vizsla became Mand'alor of his planet.[4]

Tarre Vizsla wielding the Darksaber After Vizsla's passing, the saber was kept in the Jedi Temple until it was taken by members of House Vizsla[1] during the fall of the Old Republic[5] and was used to unite Mandalore.[1] Sometime after his death, a large statue was erected on Mandalore to remember his legacy. When the Mandalorian Sabine Wren was young, her father, Alrich Wren, brought her to the statue to appreciate its history and legacy. During the Mandalorian Civil War during the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire constructed an outpost on the statue, disrespecting it. Not willing to allow the Empire to disrespect what it stood for, Sabine and her younger brother, Tristan Wren destroyed the outpost, bringing the statue back to its former appearance.[4]

Tarre Vizsla first appeared in a flashback in the episode "Trials of the Darksaber," the fifteenth episode of the third season of Star Wars Rebels which aired in 2017.[1]
