DAB calls for entry ban on non-residents | The Standard

DAB calls for entry ban on non-residents The pro-government DAB Party has urged the government to impose more stringent measures on people coming in from the mainland, due to the deadly coronavirus outbreak, RTHK reports.They said all non-residents should be banned from crossing the border, unless they can provide proof of their health.It said Hong Kong residents returning from the mainland should be quarantined at home for two weeks, and possibly made to wear tracking bracelets during this period.The party’s chairwoman, Starry Lee Wai-king, said society is worried about a spread of the Wuhan virus in the community.“The number of confirmed cases is still increasing. The cases not only came from Hubei province but also other regions on the mainland. Local infections were reported in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, which are close to Hong Kong,” she said.“Experts have said the coming two and three weeks would be a critical period to determine whether there would be a community outbreak in Hong Kong. So we think the government should take decisive and strict immigration control measures to minimise the chances of the virus coming into the city.”The party also noted that residents oppose the setting up of quarantine camps near their homes.The party’s lawmaker Vincent Cheng said authorities could instead look into using a site on Lantau reserved for the expansion of Disneyland, as well as renting a cruise ship for quarantine purposes. Today's Standard

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