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Prakith was a mountainous fortress world located in the Prakith system of the Deep Core that, thanks to its unstable terrain and its isolation, was a difficult location to conquer by force. The planet was a powerful Sector 5 fortress world during the Galactic Civil War and later the personal empire of Moff Foga Brill.

Early in the planet's history, Prakith was a volatile, volcanic world, but was stable enough for Imperial survey teams to explore it during their expeditions into the Deep Core. Prakith's close proximity to the Galactic Core made it a prime location for a hidden redoubt, and was one of the first Deep Core worlds to be civilized. It had a strong Mining Guild presence.[1]

The surface of Prakith Prakith's major cities (such as Prak City) were built atop the planet's large plateaus, surrounded on all sides by great caverns and crevasses. Since ground travel across such terrain proved difficult, natives often used cloud cars and airspeeders for transportation. The natives were, under Imperial rule, a relatively subdued and businesslike population.[1]

Darth Andeddu, the Immortal God-King of Prakith
